WAw.orrtex, July 17. —Oth Regt. Dra4s.-11revet Col. the lion . IT. II Hutchinson, from halfpay unattached, to he Lim:T.-Col. vice J. Ratcliffe, who exchanges; Major IL White to be Lieut. Col, by purclat.e, vice I lutchiohon e ho ret:res; Cal T. W. Moore, to he Major. by purchase, %lee White; Lieut. F. E. W. I tezrant to be Capt. by purchase, vice Moore ; Cornet .1. Dav:tlsou to be Lieut. by purchase, %lee Ingram ; A. Parket, Gent, to be Coral, hy purchatw. ice Davidson. 1st Foet—Geat. Cadet V. La Touch' Hatton, from the Royal Mil. Col, to be lieshol, witheut rachuse, vice Mullen, promoted in the 31st Foot. 31st Foot—Eusign E. C. Mullen, from the 4t Foot, to be Lieut. without purchase, vice Bulkeley, promoted. 33d Foot—D, ij Burke, Gent, to be Ensign, by purchase, vice l'eel, promoted. 62d Foot—Capt, y• Sweeny, from the half. pay unattaehed. to be Capt. withcut purchase, vice Bower, dee' 8:3,1Foot—Enshat S. A. F. Cary, to be Lieut. without purchase; Gent. Cadet s' Naylor, front the Royal Mil. Col. to be Ensign, lice Cary; Lieut. B. II. Brown I; be Adjt. ice Stubbs, dee. 900 Foot—Major .1. Singleton to be Lieut, by mocha" vice Peddle. who retires; Capt. G. Griffith, to be Major, by purchase. vice Singletos: Lieut. P. P. Gallway to be Curt. by purchase, vice Griffith; Ensign K. NV. s' Mackenzie to be Lieut. by purchase, vice Gallway ; the lion. J. Tuchet to be Easigt;', by purchase, vice Mackenzie.
Unattached—Ensign E. Peel, from the 333 Foot, to be Lieut. by purchase,
Memoranda—The date of the commission of Lieut. E. O'Bryen, itt the Royal Am. can Col. Corps, is the 21st of October 184. Lieut. and Quartermaster J. W. hes, son, half pay 15th Foot, has been allowed to retire by the sale of a Lieuteuantcy,Se being about to become a settler in Upper Canada.