18 JULY 1840, Page 8

The French jeurnals are much occupied with the trail of

Madame Latfarge, formerly Miss Cappelle. The trial at present going on at Drives, before the Assize Court, is not, however, for the poisoning of her hus- band, which is afterwards to come on, but for stealing a valuable orna- ment for the hair, studded with diamonds. This eerie was stolen lama Madame Latlarge's intimate friend, Madame Leutand ; and since the discovery of the jewels on aladame Latfarge's premises, the latter has written a letter to 31adame ',emend. threatening that it' her evidence was not falsified or withdrawn, Madame Laffarge would retaliate by accusing her of the worst of crimes, and by revealing her amours. These disclosures resemble more a novel of De Balzac's than a tale of real life. Madame I.:atria; is granddaughter of Madame Geniis and Philip Egalite.

The Diet of the Swiss Confederation was opened on the morning of the 6th, at Zurich, with the usual ceremonies. The deputations from the twenty-two Cantons commenced by assisting at a religious cere- mony, each in the church of their own profession, and then congregated at the residence of the President of the Diet.