SToca Exramlaz. VR1DAy AFTFRNOON.
The fine weather has operated very beneficially upon the Stork. market ; and the prices of the English Funds, which had been depressed bv reports of a short harvest, have recovered their prices. Yesterday was settling day in the Consol-market ; and though there ivits a fair demand for money at an intemst of 4 per cent. per annum, the prices of Stock were well supported, and Consols were at 92 for Money, closing A per cent. below that quotation : to-day the price is 911 for Meng, alai 624 11ir the August Account. India Stock lets again advanced, and is to-day 2541. Bank Stock is the same ; 173i being the price of to-day. Tlte price of the Public Sucuritiss for the next six weeks will depend upon the promise of the harvest, and (though it may appear ab- surd) in a great degree upon the weather. If the harvest should lie abundant, there will not be any driun upon the Bank for gold, and the amount of bank- notes iu circulation ;rill not be diminished : if we should he so unthrtunate as to have another short harvest, a necessity for a large importation of corn will arise, which can only be paid for in gold ; and that gold must be supplied from the Bank stoic. The amount of Indlion in the Bank on the 234 June last was 1,434,000/.; at the corresponding poled of last year it was 4,344,000/. : if any extensive exportation should take place, it is therefore quite evident that the stock in the Bank must he reduced to the same low state that it was at. the end of the last year. There is little chance of any drain tailless under these circumstances: the last adviees from Hamburg note a ileeline of 1 per cent, in the premium of' gold; the importation of bullion to that tl tee, which has been going on upon a small scale, will consequently cease. We should infer from this decline of bullion in llanthurg, that the dealers in corn on the Continent do not expect nny demand from En glo nml in time course of this ant stint]. There has been lint little business doing in the Foreign market; and prices have not varied materially from tho:,, of last week. Brazilian Bonds are in demand, and have heen as high as 804. Dutch Two-and-a-lmlf per Cents. are also in demand ; and Belgian humid s maintain t heir prices, notwithstanding the announcement of a new loan. The South Amerirlti Stocks are the same as last week. Port uguese Bonds have been without varkmtion till to-day ; and it was remarked litym the last settlitot-day, that the price of the Five per Cei.t. Sh:eks had been the saute for the last four accounts, extending over it period ofei11u t weeks, An improvement has, however, raTarred in the course of this ofternoon ; and, after bein„mf at 30.1., the Bonds rhea! at :351 36. Spitili,11 Active Stock wa con- siderably -depressed on 3Ionday ; being 'putted as low as 271 : it soon reached 28 again, and leis since been at 2,m1 : a deeline has again takes place, and site being at 28, the closing price of this afternoon is 2:Z to The first instalment under the arrangement just adopted for the liquidation of the claims of theluxiliary 1.egion has hecome due, but it has not been paid : it is believed, however, that it will he arranged. The ltailwny Shares have improved, and are genertilly more in demand ; and both Brighton and Blackwall have advonced nearly II. There has not, how- ever, been any business of importance in this description of security, or indeed 11 any other.
Sxn•anve, Twsraq: o'CLeemc.
The English Stock market was heavy at the commencement of busines,, and Consols for Money were done at 914. They have been since quoted at 92, but the price lint nolo given way, and is now 911 dii Mon( y and 1ki' 4 thr Account. The quotations tilium 1.1ank and India Stoek are Lel, nominal. Exchequer Bills are lower, vl. , to W.:. premium. In the Foreign market, Spanish Active Stock has improved, and is 281 1. The other Foreign Fonds are at yesterday's prices. The Railway Shares are without variation—Great Western being ;391 to 40h ; Birmingham 95 to 97 ; Blaekw all 2 4 premium; Croydon are 12 to 11-, ; Smith Western 59 to GO per share; Manchester and Eirminglatin 10 to 8; and Brighton 7 discount.
3 per Cent. Consols 911 Iteleiso 5 par Coat:. IP5:
Ditto for Account 112; -1 (!ohnuibia:i 6 per Cents 1!*; at 3 per Cent. Rellneed 9214 Danish :M per Cents 31':.1"1 411111 Cent. Ditto hutch 21 per Cents New 31 per Cents. 9911 Portuguese Reseney o per Cis. 351 36
Bank Stock 1731 4/ 1 Ditto 3 per Cents 23; 4 Exchequer Bills 28 30 pin.i Russian 5 per Cents 1131 1161 Indlit Stock 2541 j Spanish (Akiiive) :SI Brazilian 0 per Centn SO 1 1