ACATHOLIC named Kulmann, a carpenter from Magdeburg, a man of very violent temper, has been mad enough to think that he could assist the Catholic cause in Germany by assassinating Prince Bismarck. He made the attempt at Kissingen on July 13, firing at the Chancellor as he drove out in his carriage. The Prince had just raised his hand to his forehead, and the ball passing between the wrist and temple, grazed the former some- what deeply. The wound is not, however, dangerous, though the shock has been so great in the Prince's state ,of health, that Ise has been strictly forbidden to attend to any business. A priest is said to have aided the assassin by getting before the horses, and the feeling against the Ultramontanes has of course been greatly intensified by the attempt, which is not likely to make the Chancellor swerve from his ecclesiastical course. It is mot true to say that an assassin never turns the course of events as he wishes, for Ravaillac and Orsini both did, but it is certain that they always run the risk of giving additional vigour to the policy they disapprove. It is well for Princes, nevertheless, that assassins almost invariably desire to escape, possibly from fright, possibly from a wish to see the results of their handiwork, and therefore rely under circumstances of intense excitement on their skill with fire-arms, which at the critical moment fails them.