A short discussion arose yesterday week on the subject of
the revenue, between Mr. Childers and Sir Stafford Northcote, Mr. C hilders giving reasons to think that the revenue would fall very short of the Chancellor of the Exchequer's estimate, while Sir Stafford Northcote maintained that though it had fallen off in April and May, it had increased again in June, and that there was little fear for the future. Unfortunately, since this discus- sion took place, we have the return for a new. week, which is very unfavourable to the Chancellor of the Exchequer's estimate. Bythe returns to July 11, it would seem that in Stamps., Excise, and Cus- toms alone the falling-off since the beginning of the financial year in April is no leas than 1457,000, as compared with the same period of last year, whereas, by the Chancellor of the Exchequer's esti- mate, it should greatly have exceeded: it. If the year goes on in the same way, the revenue will fall short of the Estimate by more than,r2,000,000 sterling.