A Belgian named Groof has been trying to fly dawn
from a balloon, which ascended from Cremorne Gardens. His A Belgian named Groof has been trying to fly dawn from a balloon, which ascended from Cremorne Gardens. His
machinery failed, and he was killed. Consequently every- body is writing that auch dangerous experiments ought to be prohibited. That is correct, perhaps, as far as cities are concerned, as a man tumbling from a balloon may tumble on somebody else ; but a lmv prohibiting such experiments alto- gether would have stopped the invention of the balloon, and would interfere with the trial of any ship on a new principle. M. Groof was obviously sincere, for he trusted his own life to his invention, and is no more to blame than a physician who tries a new drug on himself, or a diver who experiments with a new apparatus. Each may lose his life, but that is a risk which, sup- posing him to be honest, and not to intend suicide, he has a right to take. To take money for admitting people to see such risks is a very different matter, and it is this, and not the experiment itself, which ought to be prohibited. M. Groof was a martyr to mechanics, not a criminal, and if he had succeeded would have been acknowledged as a shrewd and daring discoverer. If we go on at this rate, we shall imprison the next Livingstone who goes to Africa with insufficient quinine.