[Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not been reserved for review in other forms.]
The British Empire Year-Book. By Edgar G. Wall. (E. Stan- ford. 21s. net.)—This is the first number of what is intended to be an annual publication. Such a book would never be out of place, but just now it is particularly seasonable. All the trade, production, shipping activity, in fact all the wealth of every kind, in the Mother-country, the self-governing Colonies, the dependencies, great and small, in short, all the diversely situated regions which go to make up the Empire, are here set forth. There are gaps, it is true. Statistics are not so well organised, even in countries so advanced as Canada, as they are here. For some of the provinces of the Dominion there are no agricultural statistics later than 1891. But after all deductions made, a vast mass of useful information remains.