looked in vain through your admirable Travel Sup- plement for any mention of a country which deserves to be made better known among discriminating holiday-makers— namely, Denmark. To be overlooked altogether is something of a slight on a very beautiful and hospitable land. Many writers on travel group Denmark with Norway and Sweden, but this is not quite just, since Denmark has a charm peculiarly its own. I " discovered " Denmark last summer, and so delighted was I with my discovery that I could not wait a twelvemonth before visiting it again, and I travelled thither again at Easter, when my first favourable impressions were amply confirmed.
By reason of geographical situation, and because of the absence of manufacturing industries, the atmosphere of Denmark is remarkably clear and sun-charged. Moreover, being a series of islands, no part of the country is far from the sea, and almost everywhere one gets that mixture of sea and country air which is so bracing. There is no language difficulty, since most Danes speak the language of their best customer. Nor does one enconnter that particularly objectionable being so often found in French and Belgian resorts—the loud-mouthed Briton who has "bought the place."—! am, Sir, &c., H. A. T.