18 JULY 1931, Page 15


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

Sta,—May I be permitted to offer a few remarks on your editorial note to Mr. A. H. Grigson's letter in the Spectator of July 4th ? You hazard the opinion that British capital and British enterprise generally will find an outlet in self-governing Burma just as these did in the developing of the " Dominions," but you apparently overlook the fact that when British capital and brains were used in these same " Dominions " they were at the time under the control of the Colonial Secretary to a greater extent than they have since been. Now that these colonies have become self- goVerning Dominions, British brains are no longer welcome and British capital is shy of adventuring itself under the new

conditions. If we take the analogous case of India, the lesson to be learnt is plain. At the mere idea of India becoming a self-governing Dominion in the near future her credit in the London money market has received a severe setback and it needs no prophet to tell us that a self-governing Burma will find her credit in the home of British capital a very weak and sickly plant.

From my knowledge of Burma I believe her best chance of success as a self-governing country would be to hand the conduct of affairs over to her women-kind, while the dis- enfranchised males were allowed to amuse themselves in their traditional ways. The Burmese women really run all their successful business concerns and they have the largest share of the brains and enterprise of the country.—I am, Sir, &c., SENEX.