Wasted lives
Sir: Reading Mr Nigel Ash's letter in your issue of 4 July it is easy to come to the conclusion that he is one of those loving and forgiving Christians who when wronged 'turns the other cheek'. Alas, his ingrained anti-semitism makes him turn a blind eye to well-known facts so very often repeated.
When Britain was a Mandatory power in Palestine, the authorities had as prisoners two members of the Haganah organisation, who were condemned to death. At the same time Haganah had two British sergeants as prisoners whom they were prepared to exchange if their men were set free. Whatever one may think of the Haganah as an organisation, four lives need not have been lost. For centuries, Jews have been persecuted, tortured, driven from their homes at the will of brutes and tyrants but when they stand up and hit back to defend themselves it seems good Christians are done out of their rights.
Elizabeth Phillips 67, Harley House, Regents Park, London NW1