Taxi-driver's tip
Sir: Auberon Waugh (Another voice, 27 June) alleges that 'cab-drivers seldom give anyone under the age of 35 the right change'. There are several reasons why this is unlikely to be true. First, the Minister of Transport, Steve Norris, thinks we are won- derful (q.v. Hansard 3.5.1990). Second, cab- drivers are terrified of what Waugh calls 'power-obsessed policemen'. Third, people under the age of 35 have no money (q.v. Waugh, passim). Fourth, the Darwinian survivors of Waugh's blanket poverty law are likely to be articulate, robust and intim- idating.
Waugh admits to being sometimes for- getful these days. A correspondent to The Spectator recently suggested that he was confused. We particularly target those who are forgetful, confused and wobbly.
Marlyn Ha/crow
57 Hainault Court, Forest Rise, E17 'It's a shotgun action pump.'