Arrived—At Gracesead, June 1.20), Maty :Intl Jane. Winter, from the Cape; and 13i It. II men a. Templar, from China. At Plymouth, 15th. Colombo, NUKellar, hour Ceylon ; and 16th, Isabella, Brown. from Bengal. Off Pentium., 1511. Atlas. II rot. from Mauritius. At Cork, EMBOLI% Swainstm. from China. At Liverpool. I nth, Oriental. Allen. from Bombay ; 16th, John la oodall. Arnold, front Bengal ; and Royal
William. Smith. from Mattrititts. At Whitellaven. lath. Iterwent. in, fr in China. In the Clyde. 13th, J. WInrov. Cleland; and Clyde, Kerr, Rom China. At Leith, 12th. Isabella, Robertson, from China.
Soled—From Gravesend. June Ilth, Caroline. Holmes, for the Cape; 12th Ileroine, for ditto; 1501. Exmouth. Watien. for Madras ; Winchester, !hales, Mr Mauritius ; and Margaret and Ann, Buck. for the Cape. From Liverpoo1.9 h. Fatima. Fethers; iuI Belhaven. Crawford. tor Bengal; 15th, William, Thomas, fur ditto; and Arab, Lowe, for Singapore.