WAR ernes. June 14.—Memornialum—The half pay of the undermentioned officers bas been cancelled. from the 14th instant, inclusive. they letting accepted a committed allowance for their commissions—viz. Assist..Surg. A. Gibson, lialt-pay New South Wales Veteran Companies; Lieut. M. Douelan. half pay tat Provisional Battaliou of
June 17.-511. Beet of Drag. Guards—Cornet J. I. Blackburne to be Lient. by pur- chase, vice Strong. who retires; J. Uonolly, Gent. to be Cornet, by purchase, vice BIsckburne. 71h Drags—Caps J. Cntssley, from the 13th Drags. to be Capt. vice Atkinson. who exchanges. 13th Light Drags.—Capt. T. Atkinson, from the 7th Drags. to he Card. vice Crossley. who exchanges. Coldstream Reat. of Foot Guanls—Capt. the llon. R. E. Boyle. from the 85th Foot, to be Lieut. awl Capt. %ice Matthew. who exchanges. 1st Foot—St off-Assist -Sure. A. Knox, M 11.10 he Aseist-Surg. 601 Foot—Ensign M. Hall to be Lieut. without pur- chase. vice Latham. deceased ; Ensign A. Barg t. be Lieut. without mochas... tire Hall, whose pmmotion. on the 18th of March 1836. has not taken place; H. Wheat- stone, Gent. to he Ensign, vice Barry. 15th Foot—Lieut. '1'. Rose to be Capt. by purchase. vice 'Magan, oho retires; Ensign F. Walker to be 1.ieut. by purchase, vice Rose; J. Carey, Gent. to be Ensign. by purchase. vice Walker. 20th Foot—Ensign G. W. Rice tube Lient. by purchase. vice Briscoe. appointed to the 2■1 Drags.; IL F. Vernon. Gent to be Ensign. by purchase. %ice Rice. 35t1, &Jot —Major E. K. S. Butler to be Lieut.-Col. by purchase. vice Keightley. who retires; Capt. B. F. D. Wilson to be Major. by purchase. vice Butler; Meat. J. Fraser to be Capt. by purchase, vice Wilson ; Ensign F. English to be Lieut. by purchase. vice Fraser. 80th Foot—P.
Gent. to be Asstst.-Surg. 85th Foot—Capt. G. B. Matthew. from the Cold- stream Rrgt. of Foot Gwen's. to be Capt. vice Boy le, who excltanges. 86th Foot—Hun. M. S, Plunkett to Is. Ensign. by purchase. vice lilewett. who retiles.
Hospital Staff—R. B. Gahan, Gent. to be Assist.-Surg. to the Forces, vice Knox, ap- pointed to the 1st Reel. of Foot.
OFFICE OT ORDNANCE. June 13.—Royal Reef. or Artillery—Capt. and Brevet-Major C. Bridge to be Lieut. Col. vice II. Campbell, pLICC11 no the retired list ; Second Capt. P. Sanditands to be Capt. vice Bridge ; First Lieut. H. F. Slater to be Second Capt. Tice sandilantls; Second Lieut. II. E. Moffitt to be First Lieut. vice Slater.
Corps of Royal Engineers—Second Lieut. W. H. MotIld, with temporary mull. to Its Second Lieut. with permanent rank.