18 JUNE 1836, Page 15



ilistory of 8raz11, from the Per'rwl of the Arrival o' Vie Praganza Family, is NOS. b■ the Alidirathin of non Pedro the First, in IRII. Compiled from State Doeuments :god iii hr original soirees. F en hug a Continuation to Soothers II ir,tory of that Couotry. By John Armitage, Esq. 1,2 %pls. .Saaith and Elder.

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Excisions jutgwitzerland. thy 3. Fenimore Cooper, Rig., Author of "The Pilot," The Spy," &IL lo 2 vols. Bentley.


tort ltoltlan; a Romance. Ity Allan Cunningham. 1'13 vole. Marrow. F. NE ART., Essays Towards the II istory of Painting. Ily Mrs. Calleott Nozon.