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Mexupecrunnis are now beginning to turn their thoughts to the pro- duction of the various fabrics of a fancy description, that will be needed for the approaching autumn and winter. A greater feeling of security has been felt lately by many of the manufacturers and traders, owing to a rather prolonged trade of the season, and an absence of political com- plication, on the part of this country, in the disturbed state of the conti- nent.
Some trades indeed are still affected by current events and the repres- sive action of the war. The shipping interest more especially is suffer- ing and languid. In wool, there is a good deal of alacrity, and the pros- pects of the large wool manufacturing districts are brighter than they have been for some time past. The Birmingham trade too is active. large " war orders" are said to have been received by several eminent manufacturers, and certainly the prices of iron have been affected ac- cordingly.