Many remedies have been recommended from time to time for that most pertinacious plague, the aphis, which so frequently nips in the bud our favourite rose and many other flowers. We have seen lotions of various kinds used, fumigations of tobacco and other noxious fumes, but too often the remedy has proved worse than the disease and the plant has suffered. After all, a mechanical remedy in the shape of a stiffish brush is perhaps the best ; and we notice a very useful contrivance of this kind invented by Mr. Worth, which is to be had of the principal florists and seedsmen. This may be described as like a pair of spring shears having a small brush at the end of each blade, so that these brushes may be compressed together round a twig or bud with the greatest delicacy, and worked so as to brush off the flies, the spring handles allowing it to be readily applied without injury to the plant.