&rout Excalama, FRIDAY ArraaxooN.
The English Security Market opened on Monday firm and animated, and during the day a considerable amount of business was negotiated at improved rates, the advance in Consols was nearly equal to 1 per cent. The procla- mation issued by the Emperor of the French at Milan had a favourable effect, and with continued ease in the Money Market prices have been well supported. The first quotation in Consols was 921921, advanced to 931, and finally closed 931 94 ex div. for both Money and Account. On Tues- day increased buoyancy was observable and a good deal of fluctuation oc- curred. Consols from 931 931 improved to 9319 receded to 931 931, but subsequently recovered to 931931. The favourable accounts from the Con- tinent mainly cause the further advance in the morning, but reports of ob- stacles in the formation of a new Ministry created finally a certain heavi- ness. On Wednesday a different feature was presented, and Consols de- clined from 931 931 to 921 ex div., this probably was in consequence of the projected mobilization of the Prussian army, added to renewed rumours of English and Russian loans. Yesterday and today the market has been al- most stationary. The demand for money has been somewhat on the increase, but the supply is still abundant. Loans on Government Securities are ob- tainable at about 11 per cent. Consols close 921 921 ; Bank Stock, 219 221; India Debentures, 941 95 ; Ditto second issue, 931 94; Exchequer Bills, -23 24.
Foreign Stocks have been active, and all securities exhibit considerable improvement. The principal business has been in Turkish Six per Cents, the rise at one time being nearly 7 per cent ; the closing figures are not so firm, but yet show an advance of 4 per cent—for the Old Six per Cents, 751 76, and for the New Ditto, 62 63 ; "Victor Emmanuel Mortgage Loan has also had a considerable rise, leaving off 86 88; Sardinian, 80 82 ; Austrian, 42 47; Russian, 95 96; lanish, 43 44; Buenos Ayres, 7473; Ditto, Deferred, 171 18 ; Peruvian Four-and-a-half per Cent, 85 86 ; Ditto Three per Cent, 64 65 ; Mexican, 181 181. Things are quiet again today, transactions of any importance being very few. Money in this market has ruled at from 2 to 3 per cent, but not in demand. Business in the Railway share market, although for the most part confined to arrangements for the settlement of the fortnightly account, has been active, and values have risen all round. Midland, 99 99} ; London and North Western, 90 901; and Caledonian Shares, 40 401; all show a rise of 1 per ,cent, and Lancashire and Yorkshire, 90 901,11 per cent; London and South- Western Stock closes 891 901; Edinburgh, Perth, and Dundee, 251 26; Leualdn and Brighton, 111 112; South-Eastern and Dover Stock, 671 68; North Staffordshire, 41 41 dis.; Counties Shares, 5161; Manches- ter, Sheffield, and Lincoln, 351361. Today there is very little stirring, but quotations are firm. French Shares are steady but inactive. Owing to the progress of the Allied armies, the Lombardo-Venetian Shares have improved to 11 1/ dis. for the Old and 11 11 for the New ; Paris and Lyons, 321 331; Northern of France, 36 37 ; Paris and Strasbourg, 24 25. India Shares con- tinue good, large investments frequently occurring. East Indian, 100 102 Great Indian Peninsula, 97 99 ; Madras, 201. shares, 19 191.
Consols, after opening 931 931, are now buyers at the latter figure, with scarcely any business. Turkish Six per Cents are quoted rather firmer, 76 77. Nothing doing in Railways.