Queen', Speech.—Order read, for resuming adjourned debate on Amendment pro. posed to Question 17th of June], and which amendment was, at the end of the question to add the words," But we beg humbly to submit to her Majesty that it is essential for securing satisfactory results to our deliberations, and for faci- litating the discharge of her Majesty's high functions, that her Majesty's Go- vernment should possess the confidence of this House and of the country ; and we deem it our duty respectfully to represent to her Majesty that such confi- dence is not reposed in the present advisers of her Majesty." (Marquis of Hart- ington.) Question again proposed, " That those words be there added." De- bate resumed. Question put. The House divided—Ayes, 323; Noes, 310,
Acton, Sir J. D. Adair, H. E. Adam, W. P. Adeane, H. J. Agar-Ellis, Hon. L. Agnew, Sir A. Alcock, T. Andover, Viscount Angerstein, W. Anson, Hon. Capt. Antrobus, E. Amott, J.
Ashley, Lord Atherton, W. Ayrton, A. 8. Bagwell, J. Baines, E.
Baring, H. B. Baring, Sir F. T. Baring, T. G. Bass, M. T. Baxter, W. E. Bazley. T.
Beale, S.
Beamish, F. B. Beaumont, W. B. Bellew, B. M. Berkeley, Hon. H. Berkeley, Col. F. Bethel!, Sir B. Biddulph, Colonel Biggs, J.
Black, A. Bonham-Carter, J. Bouverie, E. P. Bouverie, Hon. P. Brand, Hon. H. Bright, J. Bristow, A. B. Brocklehurst, J. Brown, J.
Browne, Lord J. T. Bruce, Lord E. Bruce, H. A. Buchanan, W. Buckley, General Bulkeley, Sir B. Buller, J. W. Burke, Sir T. J. Bury, Viscount Butler, C. 8. Butt, I.
Buxton, C.
Byng, Hon. G. Caird, J. Calthorpe, Hon. F. Campbell, Hon. W. Cardwell, E. Castlerosse, Visa. Cavendish, Hon. W. Cavendish, Lord G. Cholmeley, Sir BL J. Clay, .1' .
Clifford, C. C. Clifford, Colonel Clinton, Lord B. Clive, G.
Cogan, W. H. F. Coke, Hon. Colonel Colebrooke, Sir T. Collier, H. P. Coningham, W. Cowper, W. F. Cranford, E. H. J. Crawford, B. W. Crossley, F. Dalglish, B. Dashwood, Sir G. Davey, B. Davies, Sir H. B. Davie, Col. F. 'Deasy, B. Denison, Hon. W. Denman, Hon. G. Dillwyn, L. L. Divett, E. Dodson, J. G. Douglas, Sir C. Duff, M. E. Grant Duff, Major L. D. Duke, Sir J. Dunbar, Sir W. Duncan, Viscount Duncombe, T. Dundee, F. Dunkellin„ Lord Dunlop, A. M. Duane, H. Ellice, Hon. E. Ellice, E.
Ennis, J. Esmonde, J. Euston, Earl of Evans, Sir De Lacy Evans, T. W. Ewart, W.
Ewart, J. C. Ewing, H. E. C. Fenwick, H. Ferguson, Colonel Finlay, A. 8. Fitzgerald, J. D. Fitzroy, H. Fitswilliam, Hon. C. Foley, J. H. Foley, H. W.
Foljambe, F. J. B. Forster, C.
Foster, W. 0. Fortescue, Hon. F. Fortescue, C. 8. Fox, W. J. Freeland, H. W. French, Colonel Gavin, Major Gibson, T. M. Gifford, Earl of Gilpin, C. Glyn, G. C.
Glyn, G. G. Gower, Hon. F. L. Graham, Sir J. Greene, J. Greenwood, J. Gregson, S. Grenfell, C. P. Greville, Col. F. Grey, Sir G. Grey, B. W. Grosvenor, Earl Ourdon, B. Gurney, S. Hadfield, G. Hall, Sir B. Banbury, B. Handley, J. Hankey, T. Hanmer, Sir J. ' Harcourt, G. 0. Hardeastle, J. A. Hal tington, Marg. Headlam, T. E. Heneage, G. F. Herbert, H. A. Herbert, S. Hodgkinson, G. Hodgson, K D. Holland, E. Horaman, B. Howard, C. W. 0 Howard, Lord E. Hutt, W. Ingham, E. Ingram, H. Jackson, W. James, E. J. Jervoise, Sir J. C. Keating, Sir H. 8. Kershaw, J. King, Hon. P. J. L. Kinglake, A. W. Kinglake, J. A. Kingscote, Colonel Kinnaird, Hon. A.
Labouchere, H. Laing, 8.
Langston, J. H. Langton, W. H. G. Lanigan, J. Lawson, W. Leathern, E. A. Leathern, W. H. Lee, W.
Levinge, Sir B. Lewis, Sir G. C. Locke, Joseph Locke, John Lowe, B.
Lyeley, W. S. M'Cann, J. Mackie, J. Mackinnon, W. A. Mackinnon, W. A. WMahon, P. Marsh, M. H. Marshall, W. Martin, P. W. Martin, J. Massey, W. Matheson, A. Matheson, Sir J. Mellor, J. Merry, J. Michell, T. A. Mildmay, H. F. Mills, 1'.
Milner, B. M. Moncrieff, J. ofMonk, C. J. Monsell, W. Monson, Hon. W. Morris, D. Mostyn, Hon. T. E. Napier, Sir C. Noble, J. W. Norris, J. T. North, F.
. O'Brien, P. O'Connell, Capt. D. O'Donoughue, The °Terrell, R. M. Ogilvy, Sir J. Onslow, G. Owen, Sir!. Packs, G. H. Paget, C. Paget, Lord A, Paget, Lord G. Pmeniton, Visct. Paxton, Sir J. Pease, H. Pechell, Sir G.B.
Ruud', Lord J. Russell, H. Russell, A. Russell. F. W. St. Aubyn, J. Salomon; Alderman Salt, T.
Schenley, E. W. H. Schneider, H. W. Scholefleld, W. Scott, Sir W. Scrope, G. P. Scully, V. Seymour, H. D. Seymour. W. D. Shaft; 11, D. Shelley, Sir J. V. Sheridan, R. B. Slaney, R. A. Smith, J. B. Smith, M. T. Smith, R. V. Smith, A. Somerville, Sir W. Watkins, Colonel L. Wemyss, J. H. E. Western, S. Westhead, J. P. B. Whalley, G. H. Whitbread, S. White, Colonel White, Colonel L. Wickham, H. W. Wilcox, B. M'Ghie.
• Williams, W. Wilson, J. Winnington, Sir T. Wise, J. A. Wood, Sir C. Woods, H. Worsley, Lord Wrightson, W. B. Wyvill, M.
Hayter, Sir W. G. Knatchbull - Huges- sen, E. Stafford, Marquis of Staniland, M. Stanley, Hon. W. Stansfeld, J Steel, J.
Stuart, Lord J. Sykes, Col. W. Talbot, C. R. M. Thornhill, W. P. Tite, W. Tollemache, Hon. F Tomlin; G.
Traill, G. Trelawny, Sir J. S. Turner, J. A. Tynte, Colonel K. Vane, Lord H. Verney, Sir H. Villiers, C. P. Vivian, H. H. Waldron, L. Walter, J.
Walters, R. Warre, J. A. Peel, Sir R.
Peel, F.
- Perry, Sir T. E. Peto, Sir S. M. . Pigott, F. Pilkington, J. Pinney, Colonel Ponsonby, Hon. A. Portman, Hon. W. Price, W. P. -Pryse, E. L. Pritchard, J. Proby, Lord Puller, C. W. G. 'Barnsden, Sir J. W. Baynham, Viscount Ricardo, 0.
Bach, H.
Ridley, G. Roberta, T. J. Robertson, D. Rothschild, L. de Rothschild, M. de loupe% W. MENORITY, NOES.
Adderley, C. B. Egerton, E. C. Kelly, Sir F. Potts, G. .Annesley, Capt. H. Egerton. W. Kendall, N. Powell, W. T. R. Arbuthnott, Gen. Elcho, Lord Kennard, R. W. Powys, L. P. Archdall, Capt. M. Elmley, Viscount Her, D. B. Pugh, D. Astell, J. H. Elphinstone, Sir J. Kerrison, Sir E. C. Pugh, D. Bailey, C. Early; Viscount King, J. K. Quinn, P. Bernie, li. .1. Estcourt, T. H. S. Knatchbull, W. F. Redmond, J. E.
Ball, E. Farquhar, Sir M. Knight, F. W. Repton, G. W. J. Baring, A. H. Farce; J. Knightley, R. Richardson, J. Baring, T. Fellowes, E. Knox, Col. Ridley, Sir M. W. Barrow, NV, H. Ferguson, Sir R. A.Knox, En. Major S.Roebuck, J. A. Bathurst, A. A. Filmer, Sir E. L.Icon, Sir E. Rogers, J. J. Beach, W. W. B. Fitzgerald, W. B. Leeke, Sir H. Rolt, J.
Bective, Earl Forde, Col. Lefroy, A. Salt, T. Beecroft, G. S. Forester, Col. Legh, Major C. Sclater-Booth, G. Bentinck, G. W. P.Forster, Sir G. Legh, W. J. Selwyn, C. J.
Beresford, W. Franklyn, G. W. Lennox, Lord H. G.Seymer, H. K. Barnard, lin. Col, Galway, Viscount Leslie, C. P. Sheridan, H. B. Bernard, T. T. Galwey, Sir W. P. Lever, J. 0. Shirley, E. P.
-Blackburn, P. Gard, R. S. Liddell, Hon. H. G.Sibthorp, Major
Blake, J. Garnett, W. J. Lindsay, W. 8. Smith, Sir F. Bond, J. M'Geougb Gaskell, J. 11, Lindsay, Hon. Col. Smith, M. . Booth, Sir R. G. George, J. Lockhart, A. E. Smith, A. Botteld, B. Gilpin, Col. Long, R. P. Smyth, Col. Bolin, W. Gladstone, Capt. Long, W. Smollett, P. B.
-Bowyer, 0. Gladstone, W. Longfield, R. Somerset, Col.
Boyd, J. Goddard, A. L. Lopes, Sir M. Spooner, R. Bramaton, T. W. Goff, Capt. Lovaine, Lord Stanhope, J. B. Bridges, Sir B. W. Gordon, C. W. Lowther, Hon. Col.Stanley, Lord Brooks, R. Gore, J. R. 0. Lowther, Capt. Stephenson. R. Bruce, Major C. Gore, W. R. 0. Lyall, G. Stirling, W. Bruen, H. Graham, Lord W. Lygon, Hon. F. Steuart, A. Banbury, Capt. W.Greaves, E. Lytton, Sir G. Stewart, Sir M. R.S.
Burghley, Lord Greenhall, G. Macaulay, K. Stuart, Major W. Burrell, Sir C. M. Gregory, W. H. MacEvoy, E. Start, H. G. Cairns, Sir H. M'C.Gray, Capt. Maguire, J. F. Strut, N. Carnac, Sir J. R. Grey de Wilton, Tct.Marnwaring, T. Stracey, Sir H. Cartwright, Col. Griffith, C. D. Malin', R. j Sullivan, M. Cave, 8. Grogan, Sir E. Manners, Lord J. Talbot, Hon. W. C. Cayley, E. S. Gurney, J. H. March, Earl of Taylor, H. 'Cecil, Lord R. Haddo, Lord Maxwell, Hon. Col. Tempest, Lord A.V. Churchill, Lord A.S.Haliburton, T. C. Mitchell, Dr. W. Thynne, Lord E.
Close, M. C. Hamilton, Lord C. Miles, Sir W. Thynne, Lord H.
• Cobbett, J. M. Hamilton, J. H. Miller, T. 3. Tollemache, J. Cobbold, J. C. Hamilton, Major Mills, A. Torrens, R.
Cochrane, A. D. It. Hanbury, Hn, Capt.Mitford, W. T. Trefusis, Hon . C.H. ' Codrington, Sir W. Hardy, G. Montagu, Lord R. Trollope, Sir J.
Cole, Egon. Col. Hartopp, E. B. Montgomery, Sir G. Upton, Hon. Gen. Cole, Hon. J. L. Hassard, M. Moody, C. A. Valletort, Viscount Collins, T. Hayes, Sir E. Mordaunt, Sir C. Vance, J.
Conolly, T. Henley, J. W. Morgan, 0. Vandeleur, Col.
Cooper, C. W. Hennessy, J. P. Morgan, Major Vansittart, W.
Copeland, Aldmn. Henniker, Lord Mowbray, J. R. Verner, Sir W. Corbally, M. E. Herbert, Cal. P. Mundy, W. Vernon, L. T. Corry, H. L. Heygate, Sir F . W. Mure, D. Walcott, Admiral
Crook, J. Hill, Lord E. Murray, W. Walpole, S. H.
Cross, R. A. Hill, Hon. B. C. Naas, Lord Walshe, Sir J. Cubitt, Alderman Hoare, J. Newark, Viscount Watlington, J. W. Curzon, Viscount Ilolford, R. S. Newdegate, C. N. Way, A. E. Dalkeith, Earl of Holmesdale, Visct. Newport, Viscount Welby, W. E. Darner, 8. D. Hood, Sir A. A, Nicol, W. Whiteside, J. Davison, R. Hope, G. W. Noel, Hon. G. J. Whitmore, H. Dawson, R. P. Hopwood, 3. T. North, Col. Williams, Col.
Deedes, W. Hornby, W. H. Northcote, Sir S. H.Willoughby, Sir H.
Dickson, Col. Horsfall, T. B. Overend, W. Woodd, B. T. Disraeli, B. Hotham, Lord Packe, C. W. Wyndham, Gen. Drax; J. 8. W. S. Howes, E. Pakenham, Col. Wyndham, Hon. H.
Drummond, H. Hubbard, J. G. Pakinpton Sir J. Wynn, Col
Du Cane, C. Humberston, P. S. Palk, L. Wynne, Sir W. W. Duncombe, En. A.Hume, W. W . F. Palmer, R. W. Wynne, C. G. Duncombe, Hu., W.Hunt, G. W. Papillon, P. O. Wynne, J. A. Dunn; Col. Ingestre, Viscount Parker, Major W. Wynne, W. W. E. Du Pte, C. G. Jermyn, Earl Patten, Col. W. Yorke, lion. E, T. Dutton. lin. R. H. Jervis, Capt. Paull, H.
Earle, It. A. Johnstone, lin. H. Peacocke, G. M. W. TELLERS.
East, Sir J. B. Johnstone, J. J. H.Peel, Gen.
Edwards, Major Jolliffe, H. H. Pennant, Hon. Col. Jolliffe, Sir W. Egerton, Sir P. G. Jones, D. Pevensey, Viscount Taylor, Col, Egerton, lion. A. F.Kekewich, S. T. Philipps, J. H.
.Analyeis of the Divieion.
For 323 Against 310 Tellers 4 Speaker 1 63 Absent 8 8 Pairs 6
VacantlAylesbury and Cork) 2
Total 654
For. Against. Colonel Stuart. Sir W. Heathcote. Ricardo, J. L. Tottenham, Loftus Pollard-Urquhart, Mr. Clive, Windsor
Brady, Mr. Laalett, Mr.
Briscoe, Mr. Miller, Mr.
Cobden, Mr. ' Johnstone, Sir J.
Heathcote, Gilbert Hervey, Lord Alfred
Fourteen Liberals voted with Government, and the ten absent may be ranked in the same list, including the double return at Aylesbury, and the vacancy at Cork by the death of Mr, Fagan.