[To THY EDITOR 01 THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—May I be permitted to point out that "the memoran- dum" to which you refer in your article on "The Bishops and the Clergy" in the Spectator of June 11th, states clearly that the intention of those responsible for it was not to dissociate themselves frcm others ? I, for one, could not possibly have signed it had I thought it could be read as favouring division amongst the clergy. The object of the memorandum was to call attention again to certain principles about which we have every reason to believe there is no dispute. Whether the publication of the memorandum was opportune is a matter of opinion. Whether it will have any other effect than that which was intended remains to be seen. But I venture to submit that the words "Our aim is not to dictate to our brethren or to dissociate ourselves from any of them" should be taken to mean what they say.—I am, Sir, &c., A. HANSI:MY-TRACY.