(To THE EDITOR Of THE " Eirscreroa."]
SIR, May I suggest that the society you are trying to found should be called simply " The Citizens' League"? It would embrace every one of whatever birth or sex, and the word " good " seems superfluous since no one can be a citizen in the true sense of the word unless he will accept the responsibility • The woman in question was seventy rears of age, of citizenship. If such a society be founded I will most gladly subscribe £5 a year to further the 'objects seggested in your leading article Of June 11th. This may as you say, the most democratic country in the world, but to the ordinary person living under the present Government it scarcely. appears so. The tyranny and stupidity of the bureaucrat is daily making life more difficult and redress is impossible for the single member of society, but, united in such a league as you propose, we might force economy upon the Government, and so see the beginning of the end of such truly senseless taxation as the last postal charges.—I am, Sir, Sac.,
Highfield, Oshey Lane, Watford. GERTRUDE L. WALLIS.