The Greek army in Anatolia is reported to be resuming
the offensive against the Turkish Nationalists, who repulsed them a few weeks ago. King. Constantine landed at Smyrna on Sunday and announced that he was sure of victory. Greek warships in the Sea of Marmora and the Black Sea have bom- barded some Turkish forts and intercepted ships conveying• supplies from the Bolsheviks.- Mustapha Kemal at Angora has assumed a truculent attitude towards the Allies, who still maintain neutrality as between the Greeks and the Turks. But the Nationalists have, or say they have, tardily released some of the British prisoners whim they should have-sent home last month in exchange for the Tiirks released from Malta. The whole situation- is involved in uncertainty, partly because the Allies are not acting-in unison. Italy has withdrawn her few troops from Adalia and is evidently well disposed towards Mustapha Kemal.