Baron von Neurath's Visit It is all to the good
that the British Government should have invited Baron von Neurath to London and that he will spend two days next week in discussion with Mr. Eden. The discussion is the more likely to be profitable because Baron von Neurath appears to be once more in a position to speak authoritatively on Germany's foreign policy ; and to a certain extent the ground has been prepared by the conversations which Mr. Eden has had with Field-Marshal von Blomberg on his recent visit to London. The announce- ment of the visit explicitly mentions that the question of Spain will be discussed ; the Four Power Agreement of last Sunday has enhanced the possibility of establishing a more efficient system of control, and an agreement on this subject is the essential preliminary to finding means to the withdrawal of volunteers. Among other questions likely to be raised are the projected Western Pact, Germany's policy in South-Eastern Europe and the colonial question. It is expected that Baron von Neurath will emphasise that a solution to these problems is only to be found if Great Britain will give to the Rome-Berlin understanding the same sympathy as Germany is willing to show to co-operation between London and Paris, and thus to restore the Four Power Pact which is the aim of her present policy. Such an attitude is full of difficulties, especially concerning Russia, but they will only be diminished by being under stood ; and Mr. Eden has it in his power to make suggestions, especially economic, which should convince Baron von Neurath of Great Britain's sympathy.