18 JUNE 1937, Page 35


The fact that Mr. Wickham Steed's well-known book (Nisbet, 4s. 6d.) has reached a fifth edition within three years is sufficient testimonial to its value. The latest edition is of importance in that it includes a new chapter, headed " Ger- many's Sacred Mission," containing translations of a number of letters written to the ex-Kaiser at intervals during the first two decades of this century by the notorious Houston Stewart Chamberlain. The letters, and the Emperor's replies, are in the familiar dithyrambic vein, but greater interest attaches to the last letter of all, addressed in 1923 not to the Emperor, but to one whom Chamberlain accepts whole- heartedly as the Kaiser's spiritual suc- cessor, Herr Adolf Hitler, in the course of which the writer observes propheti- cally that " nothing can be done as long as the Parliamentary system rules ; God knows that the Germans have no spark of talent for this system." The link between the English gospeller of Nordic Germany, the ex-Kaiser and the present Parer is a liter: *yand political discovery of some note.