SIR,—Your readers are told that the Express is guilty of
calumny," meanness' and other malpractices. Yet no clue is given to the Daily Express answer to the British Council staff's complaints, nor even to th'e existence of such an answer—though, in fact, one was published a full week before the Spectator.
Your readers ought to be told that the Spectator makes a habit of attacking the Daily Express. There was a shameless example in March this year, where the facts utterly contradicted your allegation—as reference to the Elpress reply in your file will show.—
Daily Express, Fleet Street, E.C.4 Editor [The ' defence' of the Beavcrbrook Press, which has presumably been read by millions, was of course taken into account in the writing of the note in question. It was, as the writers of the above letters know perfectly well, a completely unsatisfactory defence and the Spectator could only have dealt with it in full by destroying it. It is therefore diffi- cult to see what the writers of the above two letters have to complain about.