First prize
Raymond Keene
Thanks to the generosity of Aly Amin, the proprietor of Chequers Café (which formed the topic of David Spanier's article on 21 May), the Spectator now offers what I believe to be the largest regular prize on record for a chess column competition.
Commencing with this article, and conti- nuing monthly until further notice, the win- ning entry for the Chequers prize will receive the magnificent sum of £200. I am throwing the prize open to individuals or groups, so if you think your club or associa- tion could make good use of £200, now is the time to get your whole team of analysts to work.
Competition No. 1 is based on the following three positions.
Position 1 White to play. Position 2
White to play. Position 3 Black to play.
In each of the diagrams the move holds the advantage. All three posi- tions have to be analysed and I shall award st the £200 prize to the entry which be demonstrates how the advantage in each case can be pressed home. Entries, which must reach the Spectator by 15 July, should be clearly typed and ae- companied by the coupon printed at the
bottom of this page. player to Address them to: Chequers Chess Competition No. I, The Spectator, 56 Doughty Street, London WCIN 2LL.
In view of the size of the award, the pro- blems set will not be easy but comp.-ciao's should remember that, although some post: tions may be too complex to admit ,01
which will it is the best entry h I receive