18 MARCH 1843, Page 20


On the 3d March, at Tenby, the Lady of Groner COLES, Esq., Bombay Civil Ser- vice, of a daughter. On the 6th. at Amsterdam, the Baroness F. A. A. C. yaw LYNDEN TOT SANDENBURG, et a sou.

On the 10th, at Ochterlonv House, Forfarshire, N.B., Mrs. Damn LyA7.1., of a daughter.

On the 10th, at Wilton Crescent, Belgrave Square, the Lady of F. JERVOIsE Et.t.ns, Esq., of a daughter. On the 11th. at Lurgashall, near Petworth, the Wife of the Rev. HENRY FOSTER, of a slaughter. On the 10t11. at tipper Nutwell House, Devon, the Wife of ROBERT PENNY GREEN- WOOD PENNy, Esq.. of a son and heir. ' On the 13th, in Chapel Street, Belgrave Square, the Lady of Messoas BASKERWILLE, Esq., M.P., of a sou. On the 14th, in Portland Place, the Lady of B. B. Wri.m.ams, Esq., of a daughter. On the 15th, at Gudshill, Isle of Wight, the Lady of the Rey. W. L. Gizartoov, of a daughter.

On the 17th, in Stanhope Street, the Countess Cou-rea, of a daught T.


On the 11th March, at Trinity Church, Marjlebone, Catrnow HUME ALEXANDER, Esq., First Life Guards, to CAROLINE, second daughter of James Ewixo, Esq., of Park Crescent, Portlaud Place.

On the 14th. at St. Matthew's. Petimal Green. JULES Snore RUCH3N, Esq., Advocate of the Cour Royale of Paris, to ELiz %BETH, eldest daughter of the late &mein JoicEs, Esq., of Hackney, and Bryntirian, North Wales.

On the 1411,, at Wilmington, Kent, WILLTAsi WARING, Esq., of Farningham Hill. eldest son of Thomas Waring. Esq., of Chelstield, Keut, to MARY WALL, eldest daughter of Jose Korea, Esq., of Dartford. Kent. On the 16th. at South Stoneham Church. Hants, GroliGE FDRBES. Esq., son of Sir Charles Forbes, Bart. to SUBAREA AGNES, daughter of JOHN Hamm: FoRBES, Esq., of Westwood, Southampton.


On the llth January, of jungle-fever, at Gowahatty, prevince of Assam, RICHARD YALer &OUTER. Assistant-Surgeon Hon. East India Company's Service; in his 28th year. On the 14th, at the Cape, SAMUEL SPALDING, Esq., M A. of the firm of Spalding and Hodge. Drury Lane, and late of St. John's Wood; in his 36th year, On the 27th February, at sea, on his passage homewards, Professor WALTER Krre COLES, of Bishop's College, Calcutta: in his 30th year. On the 5th March, at Newport. in the Isle of Wight, Thostis Sneezy, M.D.. Inspec- tor of Prisons. On the 7th. 3one Ilercetsow, Esq., of Cainteall, Aberdeenshire; in his 83d year. . On the 7th. LYDIA, daughter of Mr. JAmEs MARSH, of Tysoe Street, Wilmington Square. On the 9th, at Bristol, of apoplexy, the Rev. Samuel. CIIARLES Eater, formerly of Queen's College, Cambridge; in his 57th year. On the 11th, at Oxrord, FRriNCEs Cireisrlarea, slaughter of the late Hon. A. A. Hem( Hurcmixsox. On the 12th, at Bath, Colonel Lova PARRY JONES ; in his 81st year.

On the 13th, at his house at Richmond, JAmEs CoLYEAR DAWKINS, Esq.. or Over- nerton, Oxford ; iu his 830 year.

On the 13th, at Willesden House, Shepherd's Bush. MARGARET. Widow of the late Sir Joins EDMOND lisowNE. Bart., Mayo, Irelaud, and mother of Si,' John Edmund De Beauvoir; in her 66th year. On the 14th, at Higham, near Canterbury, the Wife of the Rev. CHARLES HUGIIES HALLETT.

On the 14th. at Hampstead Heath. Lieutenant RICHARD HART II. Warm:mime, late Adjutant of her Majesty's Seventy-first Highland Light Infantry, youngest son of the late Lieutenant-General Sir S. F. Whittingliam. K.C.B. ; in his 21st year.

On the 15th, at Royston, JosEPH BErnssoN WEDD, Esq.; in his 601h year. , At Chacombe, the Rey. EGERTON STAFFoRD; in his 80th year.