18 MARCH 1843, Page 20


ARRIVED-At Gravesend, 13th March. China , Robertson. from China; and Colum- bine. Crisp, from Madras ; 13th, Augustus. l'urchase; and Spartan. Miller. from Mauritius; 14th, Iona. Morrison. from Singapore ; Lady Margaret, Budge; and Nor- folk. MeGilddiseney. from Mauritius. In the Downs. 15th, William Lee. Shepherd, from Calcutta: and Mark Palmer. Palmer, from Mauritius. Off Swanage. 8th, Mary Louisa, Miller. from Ditto. At Liverpool. 11th Ditto. Duke of Weltingron, Har- greaves ; and Flora Mare. Brown, from Calcutta; 12th, Isabel. Griffiths; and Gina. cliaa, Every, from Ditto: 13th, Hope. Cockbaiu, from China; and Tomatio, 11•Pher- son, from Batavia; 14th. Countess of Durham, M•Laren ; and Malabar. Barker. from Calcutta; Bigginson, Hogg, from' Bombay ; 16th, Albyn, Clarke; and Imogen,

Sheila. from Caleutta. At Greenock. 10th Ditto, Laurel, Wilkinson. from Calcutta. At Cork. 1101.W. Aekens, Nicholl, from Calcutta :and 12th, Samuel Barker, Wild. front Mauritius. At St Heleua, previous to 31st Jan. Mandlue. Smith ; aielPrineess Char- lotte, West. from Singapore; Anti Metcalfe, Errington ; Margaret Thompson. Thur- tell ; and Rosanna, Johnstone. from Calcutta; Caledonia, Robinson, from Bombay ; E. Robinson, Parsons ; British Queen. Miller • and W. Nicol, Elder. front Mauritius; Eliza Scott. Alder ; and City of London, Martin. from the Cape. At the Cape. previeus to the 20th of January, William M'Dottgal, M*Don- gal; Mountain Maid, Allan ; John Heyes, Getrell ; and Scourfielcl. Steveus. from London; • Templar. Brown, from Liverpool ; Thomas Metcalf, Jorstow, from Shields; Zenohia. Sutherland. frail Batavia; Catherine, Brown. from Singapore; Charles Kerr, Garbutt. from Calcutta; reel Matchioness of Breadalbatie. Doig, from Ceylon. At Bombay, previous to Id Feb. Joke Tumkinsou. Hutchinson; CaroMic, Ilyne; and John Mitchell, Cable, from London ; Thistle. Elder; and Alexander Groat. JulinG,n, from Liverpte • and Harmony, Jameson. from the Clyde. At Madras, 28th Dec. 'John Line, BrOdie, from Lonsfon. At Ceylen, 12th Dec. Swift, Druid. fr. m Liv erpool. At Calcutta, on the 23,1 January, Vetere. Bell; Vernon, Gimblett ; and Queen, Mac Leek from Leedom ; Java, Pickering ;

Gardner. Cole; Hindu°, Masson ; Earl Powis. Soulter Robert Henderson, Haywood: Prince of Weles. Wilson ; Ann and Jane. Smitalihnd Harvest Home, Heron. from Liverpool; Robertson, Nicholl ; ludas, Taylor; and Argaum. Leitch. from the Clyde ; and Elizabeth Jane, Lea. from Leith. At Singapore. 9th Nov. Orestes. Saunders. from London • 11th. Childers, Sell's, from Liverpool ; 14th Dec. Edward Boustead. Arnold, from ditto ; and Mary Park, r, Althatn, from Newcastle ; and 20th, Bangalore. Smith, from London. At Anier, 25th Nov. Little Catherine, Franklin, from Lotidoo. At Batavia, 9th Dec. Johti Knox, White, from Landoll; Alliance,

from Liverpool; Mary Ann, Marshall; and Palmyra. Campbell. from-the Clyde. At China, James Mathieson; and Inglewood. Kerr, from Liverpool; aud Athenian, Mann, from London. Sailed-From Gravesend, 1 lth Martel, Reaper, Thompson, for Calcutta. From Li- verpool. 11th March. Auglesca Rowland for China; 161h. Delhi, Robinson; and 51.,ry Somerville, Snipe: fur Calcutta ; and Iris, Merritt. for China.

StTURGAT Mometeo.-Arrived-In the Downs. Shepherd. Purraeold. fron China;

and Marmiou, from Caleolta. At Cowes, Joilathan Fell, from the Cape. 'Off Portlaud, Grafter', Cocks, from Calcutta. Off Penzance, Edwat d Robinson, Parsons, from Mauritius. At liverpuol. Circassian Marshall, from Ctiteitta. The Windsor Castle. M'Iselland, from Bombay to Liverpool, which was abandoned by the crew. 401 instaut, off Cape Clear. has been fallen in sill, and bronelit up to Seattery Roads. The Gertrude, (trainee, t,) from China, is on share near Mauras, and not expected tube got off; all hands saved. Tim Earl of Durham. 'fiuditil: from Sydney to Calcutta. has put back with loss uf Mast. Sic., an i ill be hove down. The Herculean, (transport,) is lost in the China Seas.