18 MARCH 1899, Page 1


AVERY odd incident has occurred in connection with the Italian negotiations with China. Enraged at the Chinese refusal of his request for Sanmun Bay, and at the return of his despatch, the Italian Ambassador sent in to the Tsang-li- Yamen a Note demanding a reply, and a concession within four days. Italy, however, had previously agreed with Great Britain not to use measures of coercion, and Admiral Canevaro, therefore, at once forbade further measures, and to show the loyalty of his Government to Great Britain, re- called Signor Martino from Pekin, and placed the conduct of negotiations in the hands of Sir Claude Macdonald. The British Ambassador will, it is believed, secure the concession of Italian demands, but this has not been accomplished yet, the Tsung-h-Yamen not understanding why they should cede territory to a Power which has never shelled them. The matter will doubtless be arranged, and is important chiefly because it reveals the closeness of the connection between Italy and England, and the strong wish of Lord Salisbury that European demands on China should not precipitate hostilities.