18 MARCH 1911, Page 16


[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] Sra,—Quite a number of thrushes in the Brent Valley Bird Sanctuary now have eggs, the blackbirds and robins are building, and the birds which nest in holes are beginning to look round for nesting sites. I would therefore remind those of your readers who would like to keep about their gardens some of the tits which have been frequenting them during the winter that there must be no further delay in putting up nesting boxes. The stock made by the keeper in the Sanctuary during the winter, which gained high commendation at an exhibition held during the first All-British Week in Ealing, is now exhausted, but the improved type of wooden box, and the new designs made from natural logs which my committee exhibited recently at the Royal Horticultural Society's Show, and which created considerable interest, can now be supplied.

Those who purchase them will not only have the satisfaction of obtaining well-designed boxes made in this country, but of know. ing that they are helping to keep up the bird sanctuary that lies in the London Postal District.

I should be pleased to advise any correspondents who may address me at the offices of the Selborne Society, 42 Bloomsbury Square, W.C.—I am, Sir, &c.,


Chairman of the Brent Valley Bird Sanctuary, Honorary General Secretary of the Selborne Society