18 MARCH 1938, Page 17

The Ministry's View

But it is really good to see this urgent country problem taken up not only by an influential countryman, but realised also by the Ministry of Health. " Considerable improvement must be made in the standard of their (i.e., country workers') housing," says the Ministry. The words have the bureau- cratic sobriety you would expect from a Government report, but they combat the fatuity of a speaker, quoted by The Countryman, who declared " that rural housing was a ' fashion ' which would be better `in their private hands,' if not, indeed, ' postponed '." This attitude is not only fatuous but dan- gerous. If workers are to be kept on the land, and kept happily on it, they must be allowed the privilege of a decent standard of housing. Happily the Ministry realises this, and I hope local administrators will realise it and act wisely under the new legislation, which " gives us in the country," to quote The Countryman finally, " the power we need to act upon the basis of our knowledge and experience."