" The Spectator's " Spring Number The annual Spring Number
of The Spectator will be published next week, and will include special articles by Patrick Monkhouse on " A Peak-to-Scotland Footpath " ; " The Boat Race," by E. E. D. Tomlin (who rowed for Oxford in 1935) ; and a story by Robert Graves. There will be an enlarged literary section, and among other contents, Lord Snell, who has just retired after four years' chairmanship of the L.C.C., will write on " London's Parliament " ; Professor Ernest Barker on " The Bible and the English People " ; Dame Edith Lyttelton on " Some Data on the Supernormal " ; Derek Verschoyle on " Religious Discrimination in Ireland " ; and on the Under Thirty page Dr. Edwyn Bevan will reply to this week's article on " Can I Be a Christian ? "