18 MARCH 1949, Page 18

SIR,—Your correspondent, Mr. Litvinoff, is clearly more accustomed to living

in a house rather than a home. Presumably he would not mind being expelled from that house, and being told to go and live in, say, Australia, where there is plenty of room. In the same way he expects Arabs, who have been expelled from their homes, to go elsewhere. But Dr. Gruber has reminded us lately that we are dealing with human beings, not pawns on a chessboard. Mr. Litvinoff naively quotes the report in an American newspaper of Mr. Shertok's intentions. He would do better to read Mr. Shertok's own words in Count Bernadotte's last report, published by H.M. Stationery Office. It would satisfy even Hitler that might is right, and its brutality is staggering.—Yours faith-