18 MARCH 1989, Page 31

A selection of recent paperbacks

Non-fiction The Count-Duke of Olivares by J. H. Elliott, Yale, £12.95 Time Was Away: A Journey through Corsi- ca and The Bandit on the Billiard Table: A Journey through Sardinia by Alan Ross, Collins Harvill, £6.95 each.

End of a Journey by Philip Toynbee, Hamish Hamilton, £7.95 No, Not Bloomsbury by Malcolm Brad- bury, Arena, £5.99 To the End of the Rhine by Bernard Levin, Sceptre, £4.50 The Literature Machine by Italo Calvino, Picador, £4.99 Women of the French Revolution by Linda Kelly, Hamish Hamilton, £6.95 Selected Letters of Oscar Wilde edited by Rupert Hart-Davis, OUP, £6.95 Round Ireland in Low Gear by Eric New- by, Picador, £4.95 Shaw's Music: Volume I edited by Dan H. Laurence, Max Reinhardt, £12.95 The Psycho-analysis of Children by Mela- nie Klein, Virago, £8.95 Mr Balfour's Poodle by Roy Jenkins, Col- lins, £9.95 The Right Stuff and The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test by Tom Wolfe, Black Swan, £4.99 each The Bonus of Laughter by Alan Pryce- Jones, Hamish Hamilton, £6.95 Peter Knows What Dick Likes by Jonathan Meades, Paladin, £6.99 Archbishop Laud by Hugh Trevor-Roper, Macmillan, £12.95 Eleni by Nicholas Gage, Collins Harvill, £6.95 Fidel by Tad Szulc, Coronet, £8.99 Into the Whirlwind and Within the Whirl- wind by Eugenia Ginzburg, Collins Har- vill, £7.95 each Flywheel, Shyster, Flywheel: The Marx Brothers' Lost Radio Show edited by Michael Barson, Chatto, £7.95 Hemingway by Kenneth S. Lynn, Cardinal, £7.99 The Boy Who Shot Down an Airship by Michael Green, Bantam, £3.99 Sartre: A Life by Annie Cohen-Solal, Heinemann, £8.95 Heseltine by Julian Critchley, Coronet, £2.99 Fiction The Bonfire of the Vanities by Tom Wolfe, Picador, £4.99

Summer's Lease by John Mortimer, Pen- guin, £3.50 The Heart of a Dog by Mikhail Bulgakov, Collins Harvill, £4.95 Mensonge by Malcolm Bradbury, Arena, £2.99 The Temple by Stephen Spender, Faber, £4.99 Eight Months on Ghazzah Street by Hilary Mantel, Penguin, £3.99 American Dad by Tama Janowitz, Picador, £3.99 The Thanatos Syndrome by Walker Percy, Paladin, £4.99 The Coming of the King by Nikolai Tol- stoy, Corgi, £4.99 Poetry Collected Poems 1928-1985 by Stephen Spender, Faber, £4.99 The Oxford Book of Ballads edited by James Kinsley, OUP, £6.95 The Oxford Book of Scottish Verse chosen by John MacQueen and Tom Scott, OUP, £5.95 To Urania by Joseph Brodsky, Penguin, £4.99 Interlunar by Margaret Atwood, Cape, £5.95