A Parliamentary return has just been issued about absenteeism. It
appears that less than 20,000 persons own the soil of Ireland, of whom 5,982 own less than 100 acres. These, of course, are resident ; and so are 5,589 more, owning an average of 1,600 acres apiece ; while only 1,443, owning altogether 3,145,514 acres, or a seventh of the soil, are usually resident outside the island. A considerable number-4,465—reside away from their properties, but still in Ireland, and the remaining few are occasional visitors. Absenteeism is therefore not among the grand grievances of Ire- land, more especially as many of the richest absentees are among the most spirited and lenient landlords. Lord Palmerston, for example, was a much better man to live under than any resident squireen.