Something of the old Cromwellian spirit has always adhered to
the Evangelical party in their dealings with the heathen. A good -sound Calvinist can always be trusted in India to do stern work, and sometimes does not stop sufficiently to consider why "the sword -of the Lord and of Gideon" is to fall. The excellent American missionaries of Loodiana, we regret to see, approve the Kooks exe- cutions, and Mr. A. Kinnaird publishes with apparent approval a letter from Sir Donald M'Leod, himself an Evangelical, deprecat- ing the removal of Mr. Cowan. We have discussed his main argument, the effect of the order upon the Services, elsewhere, but must mention here that the opinion of the Maharajah of Puttiala, quoted so seriously, is of very little importance. It is because native princes approve and practice these cruel and spas- modic methods of repression that they have been superseded by 'the British Government, whose mild and steady, though slightly leaden, role cows tribes which would have resisted the fitful • cruelty of their native rulers to the death. The reason rebellion against us fails is because it is dangerous to fight, but quite safe to ran away. Mr. Cowan makes it safer to fight than fly.