The " Claimant" is amusing himself, pending his trial for
perjury, by " starring " it among the tenantry of the Tichborne estates. On Tuesday he was at Alresford, "attended," as the Court Circular says, by Mr. Guildford Onslow, and made a speech, curiously well delivered, about his wrongs, and his first solicitor, Mr. Hopkins, and the tattooing evidence, which espe- cially annoys him, we suppose because it seemed so conclusive. He denounced that as a conspiracy, to the huge delight of his audience, who appeared to believe in him with the heartiest enthu- siasm. The object of all this somewhat impudent display appears to be to collect funds for the defence, and perhaps to deepen the -curious impression among the populace visible during the whole process of the case, that the Claimant was somehow being " done." It arises, we imagine, from that hunger for romance which has preserved the name of the Shepherd Lord. All the great Cliffords are forgotten, but he is remembered in Cumberland because he was for a few years one of the people.