The extraordinary antipathy to the Jews which still prevails in
Austria-Hungary has come out strongly this week. In Hungary it is confined to the lowest class, who do not vote, and the nobles, but the middle-class are powerless to remove disabilities. The Magnates have actually rejected a Bill making it lawful to become a convert to Judaism. They know perfectly well that the only Christian applicants for admission to the Synagogue would be members of Jewish families who had professed Catholicism; but that only made them the more determined, as such persons would be " relapsed " heretics. In Vienna, again, which owes every- thing to Jews and in which Jews are unusually numerous, the Anti.Semites have made an agreement with the clericals, have mastered the Municipality, and have elected a Burgomaster of their party. The feeling against Jews is nearlyas strong in Germany, but it is there created by jealousy of their success, whereas in Austria-Hungary it seems to be based principally upon the old theological hatred. In both countries the Government tolerates, if it does4ot share, the popular prejudice, and in both the Treasury has peipetually to apply for Jewish aid.