18 MAY 1912, Page 17


[To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—With regard to the objection of liability to fire of wooden houses referred to by one of your correspondents (vide Spectator, April 13th), it may interest your readers to hear that at the biggest fire which has attacked this city for many years the fire started in a brick building, passed over a wooden building next door to it, and completely gutted a stone building next door to the wooden. The only building standing after the fire was the wooden one! A plentiful supply of water was obtainable, and, given that, a wooden house appears to have a better chance than either a brick or a stone one. In this Province ninety-nine houses out of one hundred are built of wood, and yet losses by fire are not over-frequent. If only the prejudice of local authorities in England to wooden houses could be overcome I feel sure the housing problem in, at any rate, country districts would be rapidly