A Hundred-- Years- Ago-
For the first time in our memory, we Miss the remark, i f that "the Exhibition at Scirneri3et "House. this' season; is, on 'the 'Whole, considerably inferior to that of last year.". - Have we at last got • faultless pictures, or has the town ceased to be critical ? :
Sir Thomas Lawrence is strong in number, but weak in effect. Some of his subject“as must necessarily be the caie with a popular portrait-painter) are intriiisically-unWorthy uf rietice, 'and 'We-- look in vain to find that the artist has done more for them than nature has vouchsafed ; but one or, two of his sitters really_ possess countenances worthy of being copied by a man of genius.. Constable has a fine pictsurithe subject, Haleigh Ccatle'and the Mouth of the Thames, after a stormy-night. It is -loaded to super- fluity with the characteristics of this painter's .style. His sky..is as fine a piece of turmoil as was ever got together the spirit of life 'and champagne briskness that the landseaPe apteans to have imbibed from the weeping of the past night-clouds, 'adds, by•con.- treat, to the gloom and disturbance that is still going on in the
distance, as the last effort of the dying-storm. , . .
Turner has four pictures. each of which may be instantly recog. nized as his own, both in his peCuliar exaellencea and his peenliar faults. His Ukases derirbng Polyphemus is the work on Which-fie appears to have expended the most pains - The design • of -this picture is a master-like conception ; but the execution even where most beautiful, approaches so nearly to a corruption 'Of style, that it keeps the Spectator in a continual alarm as to the exterit to which it will reach. It is aiming to be a Claude in a different way from ' which the Claude succeeded, that produces this meretricious .exag-
The' receipt for making this delightful Indian soup we obtained
from a gentleman long resident at Madras two -pounda' of veal and the same of the ribs of lean mutton ; cut their: -into pieces; as for soup, chopping the bones well ; put them, with a table, spoonful of salt and three .quarts of cold water, into a saucepan; and boil till it becomes a rich gravy, which will be in about four hours. Skim every, particle of fat off, and then strain it clear through a hair sieve into another saucepan, to which add a tender- chicken,• or young lean fowl, cut into the smallest joints, and.well washed, with three large spoOnsful of Mulligatawny paste (net powder). l3oil Ail] the chicken iS tender, which will be in twenty
and. It-is ready, .