SIR,—Is the Spectator deliberately suppressing the facts con- cerning the Labour programme ? I refer to the paragraph in the "News of the Week" of the issue dated May 4th, under the sub-heading "The Labour Manifesto " ; in which occur these sentences.
"In a speech . . . Mr. MacDonald made much of his plan for a National Economic Committee, composed partly of Ministers and partly of expert assessors ; a body . . . directing the flow of credit and the use of capital. But we search the Labour Programme in vain for any reference to it."
Such confidence have I in the Spectator's fairness, that I am fain to believe that it has inadvertently overlooked the two paragraphs, under the sub-heading" A National Economic Committee" on page 21 of Labour and the Nation, a copy of which I enclose. When the Spectator says, therefore, "that we search in vain for any reference to it," it lies.—I am, Sir, &c., BM/JOP.
[Our correspondent will see, if he looks up his paper, that the Labour Programme to which we referred in several para- graphs of the "News of the Week" (May 4th) was the actual election programme issued last week (which we called variously digest, manifesto, programme), and not Labour and the Nation.—En. Spectator.]