The White Paper The Government have issued a White Paper
containing memoranda on the ,Liberal scheme for "conquering unemployment." The memoranda are made in the names of various Ministers. There is also a_ memorandum on the finance of development loans, which is rather differently described. It is said to have. been " prepared by the Treasury on the directions of the Chancellor of the Exchequer." In brief, the White Paper points out that the total number of men between the ages of 18 and 50 years who would be available for the Liberal schemes "involving manual labour in the open" would be not more than 300,000. If 60,000 additional men were to be profitably employed under the Liberal housing scheme there would have to be -an increase in the number of craftsmen for which no provision is made. Telephone and electrical development would need a "substantial increase in plant " -which. we gather, eciuld not. be pro-. vided soon enough to affect the unemployment figures within the period contemplated by Mr. Lloyd George. Road construction would involve long absence from home for most of. the workers, and the building of huts would add " enormously " to the cost of construction. Married men would be in the position of having to provide for two homes. Under the proposed land-drainage schemes either miners would have to accept agricultural wages- or there wou Id be trouble between the farm-labourer and the unskilled temporary workers who were being paid at a much higher rate. Altogether the White Paper uncompromisingly condemns the Liberal schemes.