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The latest volume in the "Rescue Series,". issued; by_Messrs. Elkin Mathews and Marrot, is a Scottish romance called From GetieratiOU to Generation. The author was Lady Augusta Noel, the daughter of a Waterloo veteran. Her husband is still alive at the great age of ninety-eight, and one wonders if there is another living man who can boast of having a father-in-law who fought at Waterloo. The novel is well worth rescuing, for it deserves the reputation it made in the 'Eighties. To-day we are a little amused by the impossible moral grandeur of the characters, the solemn vows imposed on them by pressure of circumstance, and the incredible stupidity with which they kept their vows and so turned the wheels of the plot. There_ is a touch of ,Walter Scott and of our preserit-day romancer, Miss A,- K. Broster in this tale, One fastens on its rigidities of mood with, a sort of.childlike relief, and revels again- in the atmosphere of granite hills; moss-hags, and Highland castles. There were no motor coaches then, and no posters at, street corners to make the* Jacobite North a little too familiar. The tale will appeal both to the sophisticated and the Unsophisticated.
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