Mr. Richard Coke has written a full and interesting history
of the ,Arabs in The Arab's Place in the Sun (Butterworth, 21s.). What he says in his introduction of the " high-brow " and "low-brow" specialists (" the high-brow tends to become so arabicized himself that his langtirige and his' statements are all but unintelligible to everyone save his brother specialists ; he may. he found in full bloom in the numerous little soeieties and circles which have been formed in London since the war to discuss Middle Eastern affairs. The low-brow phws upon. the interest that always attaches itself to nomads in the .rnhids of civilized and over-civilized peoples."), is true of many _countries besides Arabia, and we should be grateful to those Englishmen, like Mr. Coke, who are able to give us a sane and balanced view of races for whose welfare we are, in part at least, responsible. To criticize the history of a people who in the last thousand years have founded a mighty Empire stretching from the Indies to the Atlantic, and founded a new religion, would be impossible within the limits of a paragraph ; but we can recommend the book with every confidence.