The World Postal Union Let those whose imagination boggles at
the idea of international co-operation conditioning our national sovereignties consider the real significance of an organism such as the World Postal Union, which has held its ninth Congress in London this week. The extent to which the world is already governed internationally is shown in an article on our League of Nations page this week. Dogged perseverance was needed to establish some fifty years ago the simple code of international postal regulations which we all take for granted to-day. The same creative energies are at work consolidating the League and developing in mankind a consciousness of common interests. This is the first time that the Union has held one of its meetings in this country, and it was fitting that the Prince of Wales should have been asked to make the opening speech. As our readers know—even if they are not ph ilatelists—a special issue of stamps was authorized for the occasion. We were not impressed by the result.