Rise and Progress of the British Power in India. By Peter Anber. M.R.A.S., late Secretary to the Honourable the Court of Directors of the East Elks Compant. (Iii 0 vols.) Vol. II. 41:en and ee. The Despotclies, Minutes, and Correspondence, of (ho Nlarquis WellcsIsy, during Iliv A. [ministration in India. Edited by Montgomery Mania. Vols. IV, V. Aren on4 Co. History of Europe from the Commencement of the French Revolution in 17S). to this Restooition of tee Bourbons in ls1.5. By Archibald Adywatc.. Vol. VI /Cr/dot...viand S'ois, Edie,14?:/h, POETRY,
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