THE meeting of Parliament and the consequent return of tourists must have stimulated the publishers; bun their activity has not yet shown itself in any thing of striking novelty. Among the books on our table, the one of most promise appears to be Mr. Plume's Life and Times of Whitefield ; a work from which we anticipate both amusement and instruction. We have also an Abridged History of the Principal Treaties of Peace, by Captain Fug- NEAUX, RN.
Messrs. LONGMAN have favoured us with three publications, which we must reserve for examination,-1. The Second Volume of Southey's Poetical frorhs, containing his Juvenile and Minor Poems. 2. A fifth edition of Dr. Esmitersoer's Haman Physi- ology, 3. Mr. COCK'S Operative Surgery : a very able work, we have no doubt, from the opportunities of the author, but appa- rently almost too professional for our columns.