18 NOVEMBER 1837, Page 18


GAZETTES. Tuesday, Nov. 13.


B. and E. Wild, Sheffield, pearl-scale-cutters—J. S. and W. I. Burman, Bridge Rod Lambeth. tea dealers—Lauder and Lowden, Sloane Street. medical. practitioners-1 , I. J., and W. Wild, Oldham, coach proprietors—Pell and le night, Scamblesby. shire, tailors—NI itchell anti Sons, linddersdeld, dyers; as far as regards T. Mitchell-- Jones mud Smith, Ledbury, Herefordshire. attoruies—Maun and Clark. Graresead, soda-water-manufacturers—Lyon and Sherlock, Liverpool, painters—Hu:11am and Swansea, conefactore—J., 3. and IL Smyth. Peaseohall, Suffolk. corn-drill. makers—J.. W.. and 3. Pilling. Great Horton. Yorkshire, corn-millers; as far as regards

sen.—Ithodes and Brothers. Rochdale, cottoo-spinners—Prest and Wood, Blackburn, cottemspinuers—Robeson aud Green. Glasshouse Yard, prom icier. of the Por:iamearary Cheosicle—Lee and Tall, Kingston-upon- H all, tarmerchante—Roddell and Co. Berner Street, Commerciel Road, colour-nmoufacturers—Watson, Brothel. and Cu. Liverpool, commissitnemercheuts; as far as regards It. H. Hatuillou.


Botraney, Get:mot, Bridge Street. Blackfriars. tea-dealer. Nov. 13. BRIGGS, Joan, Appleby, Westmoreland, bookseller, Nov. 13. DODSON, Tuumes, Haydon Square, Mit:oriels, coppersmith, Nov. 13.


FOULKES, TilostAa. Bell 'iard, raceelturch Street, victualler.


Bleew. WILLIAM, Breenn. Brecknockshire, 'Imitator. Nov. 28. Dee. 26: solicitors, Messrs. Bickuell unit Co. 57, Lincoln's Inn; and Messrs. Vaughan and Bevan, Brecon, limos, IASI et Egham, Sorry, cot:demister, Nov. 23, Dec. I: solicitor, Mr. Bridget, Finsbury Circuit ; official aasigme, Mr. Turquand, Copthall Court, BUNELLA. Wieetau, Brumes ick Street. Hackney, eabineemaker, Nov. 24. Dec.116: solicitor, Mr. Williams, Alfred Place, Bedford Square; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Basingluall Street. DAVIS, SAMUEL. Birmingham, brace manufacturer, Nov. 28, BBC. 26: solicitors, Messrs. Rickards aud Walker, Lincoln's Inn Fields; and Mr. Walter Hall Capper, Birmingham. Drmorer, JOHN Remit's, and ELLUODT, FERDINAND eeier. Liverpool, merchants, Nov. 25, Dec. 26 : solicitors, Mr. Chester, Staple btu ; mad Mr. Davenport, Liverpool. Hevcaletsoa, WILLIAM GOODWIN, Lisle Street. Leicester Square, currier, Noe.22, Dec. e6 : solicitors, Messrs. Laerence and Bleukarue, Bucklersbury ; official assignee, Mr. Cannan, Sambrook Court, Basinghall Street. J AY, PHILIP, Watford, linen:trailer, NEW. 24, Dee. 26 : solicitor, Mr. Warne, Leaden. hall Street; official assignee, Mr. Graham, Basingliall Street, Kota, SOON, Chewstoke. Somersetshire, ochre manufacturer, Nov. 29, Dec. 26: soli. cuter, Mr. Junes, Crosby Square ; and Mr. Peters, Bristol, 1ortse, Liverpool, butcher, Nov. 23, Dec. 26: solicitors, Messrs. AdlIngloa ant Co. RocIford Row ; aud Mr. Pennington. Liverpool. Mowee, Romer. Shoreditch, woollendraper, Nov. 23, Dec. 26: solicitors, Messrs. Sole, Aldermanbury ; official assignee. Mr. Tull:land, Copthall Court. 11 teeter, WILLIAM, Lnnesend, Staffordshire, draper, Noe. 24, Dec. 26 : solicitors, Messrs. Chisholm.. and Co. Lincoln's Inn Fields ; and Mr. Gibson, Manchester. Itoetesose Hexer Wt Mee at, Itirmiuglesau, glassemenufecturer, Dec 1,26: soliciturs, Mr. Sculthorpe, Gray's Inn ; nut Mr. edon, Birmingham.

Reuss se, Aeoesers GARR11.1„ Austinteiars, merchant, Nov. 24, Dec. 26 ; solicitor', NIessts. Meggisou and Co. King's Road, Bedford Row ; official eesignee, Mr. Green, Aleermanbare.

riVartROW, JAMES, Slitttt ETU', Stafforulshiire, seedsman, Dec. 6, 26: solicitors,Messre Rieke:els awl Walker, Lincoln's Inn Fields ; awl Mr. Capper, Ifinninghatn. TlIoNIA,, .tr. Saviour's, Nereid', camletsmanufact neer, Nov. '27. Dec.

tml.itals, Mn. Mills, llattou Garden; and Messrs. Colman Cozens, Norwich.

Dec. le, Crompton. Standi,h, LancjiLTiir'e'',NilsPer.maker—Dee. 9. Eames, Pendleton. Leueashire, aeer—Dee. 7, Wagner, Southamp.ou Street. Stu awl hum:draper—Dec. 7, Ileuley.upotirThames, Oxfordshire as iuu.nwrehant— Dec. 7. Dubson, Hares ar.1, Ilacklerslairy, scotch.azvult—Ike. 7, !levee, 0reat Portland Street, Marylybute, elesseleeler—Dee. e, Daveneere Duuster %tort, Mincing Lane. merchant—Dec. Nes. ey, Birmingham, lease tout:der—Dec. 6. II el, Burden', Stafeedehire, mercer— Dec. e, Silk, lii.ddernibieter. careet-maniihret urer —Dee. 4, Itowlendson, Liverpooe ve.eitaller:— Dec. ,, Herten, Leverick Hall. Durham, merchaut —Dee. 8, Golihanie, lenteu, Kent, u Me-meta:int—Dee. 5, Jackson, Liverpuel, hemp met chant —Dee. 4, I; al fit, Su intuu, Yorkshire, cast-ironfouuder — Dec. 6, shilton, Walsall, Staffordshire, carpeteeee

CERn .

Ttt !ue: granted, entesi caese le ,11wer. t, the contrary. GA or &pre Dec. 5. Seeley awl Datileterts George Street, M hour is, merchants—Jail:sun, Leadenball S:reet, lieenseee, ictualler —K irk. Gloucester, furuiture.breker—j. Z mein, Manche:1.r, ear or awl gilder—Davis, Arundel, Susses, chemist—Porter, Chester, attorney-aelaw —Greet', dirmineharn, wholesale jeueller—Goter, New Bond Street, fiehmonger- inton, Yut kshire, cashironfounder—R. Keneun, Claug Men, Lancashire, cot. tutespiuner.

Friday, 2VUr. 17.


Keene and Ruhsen, Cross n Court, Old Broad Ltreet. eine-merchants—pre:Lees col tuerchante— Dillon and Richards— hales and Minty, Christchurch, II atep.laire, cabinet makers—Stubbs and Co. Lannon street, wholesale-grocers, as fsr as reearde Absolurn—Fletelier reel Co. Ilurongliblidge, baukers—Booth and Co. LiTtP as far is regards etukes—Culpan and Vi alsh, Halifax, plumbers—Payne ash Ca. Miechinhatupton, Glune .sterd are, woollen manufacturers; as far as regents Smith --At kinsun and Co. Cheetham Nale, Lancashire, dyers —Bryan cud Co Maidstone, irenmongers—Chippeudall, 11 urst Green, Leueashire, bobbin turner—It oberts and Bickerton, Newtee n, Montgomeryshire, meters— Morgan end Gillingham, Great Sefeek Street, seterinary surgeon.—W. told J. Tempest, Holheeh. Yen Isidore, common. breeers —Coleman awl Cu. Leicester, whartingers—Bingliam awl Co. Derby, lost plate•mminfactuirers —11 obinson and Co. Long Acre, I ight houewmanufacturers—Broen and Sons, Brixbam, De.unshire, Itnendrapers —1101/C RIO Sans, Carlisle, tea-dealers; at fee as regards Hive —N isbett and Co. Swanbridge, Glamorgaushire, f Irmers Mae ehester mad Co. Manchester, w heclwrights—Gallie and le irku oud, Ediuburgle plumbers.


EDWARD NORRIS, Manchester, cottureapitmer, Nov. 16. SAMUEL ANDERSON, Wigmore Street; mttrchant, Nov. 16.


BALES, EDWARD SEADER, Wandsaorth Road, omnibus proprietor, to surreoder Nov. 25 Die. 99: solicitors, Messrs. Asluurst and Gaiusfurd, Cheupside; official

assignee, Mr. Pennell, Baeingliall Stteet.

BARHAM. RALPH, RALPH, IVA GEORGE, SOIIIIM ark Bridge Road, hat-manufacturer',

Nov. 22, Dee. : solicitor, Mr. Dankart, Clement's Lane; onicial assiguee, Mr. Goldsmid, Ironmunger Lane. Boteroet,Junx, Leeds, machine maker, Nov. 27, Dec.29 : solicitors, Messrs. Smithson and Dunn, Southampton BuiLlings; and Messrs. Draining imil Kenyon, Leeds. Bauwer, WILL:AM. Liverpool, euttou-dealer, Dec. 1.99: soliciture, Messrs. Adlingtoa and Co. Bedford Row : and Messrs. Avison and Son, Liverpool. Tuomes, Great Yarmouth, corn-dealer, Nov. 24, Dee. 29: solicitors, Mesa'. Bertram and Suit, Old Bread Street ; and Mr. Palmer, Great Yarmouth.

Cam,, WILMA M, Sheldon Mallet, grocer, Nov. 24, Dec. 29: solicitors, Mr. Big Southampton fluiiuliitgs ; awl Mr. Bigg, Bristol. DALE. JOHN, %S.W./14;1i Saiut Peter's, woollen-draper, Nov. 23, Dec. 29: solicitors, Messrs. Baxter, Lit:coin's len Fields; and Mr. Metcalfe, Wiehech. Geeee, 'Noses% Upper Smith street, Northampton Square, iron-master, Nov. 21 Dec. 29 : solicitors. Willis and Co. Tokenhouse Yard ; official assiettee, Mr. Belcher. lit oar, Juseeff, Guniersall, Yorkshirseetiotenireliant, Dee. 6, 29: soliciterg; Messes. Makinson tulle Sanders, Middle l'emple; end Mr. Porten, Leeds. DRAM, BENJAMIN, Blackmore Street, Southwark, chymist, Nov. 27, Dee, 29: sohtce chore, Messrs. Rhodes and Cu. Chancery Lane ; official assignee, Mr. Clark, St. swamies Lane.

NATHAN, JOHN SOV.SMAN, Bristol, furniture-broker, Nov. 29, Dec. 29: solicitor, Mr. Brehm, New Inn, Straml,

PRICE, JOHN, Birmingham, glass-manufactiner, Nov. 28, Dee. : solicitor!, Messrs. Phillips sod Comptes!, Size Lane; and Messrs. Whateley, or Messrs. Stubbs and Roll hies, Birmingham.

Rive, dome, Chewstoke,Somersetshire, ochre-manufacturer, Nov. 29, Dec. 29: soli- citors, sir. Jones, Crosby Square; and Mr. Peters, Bristol. Sovronr, WIELIAM. JOSEPH, SAMUEL. and JONAS. Bailiff Bridge. Yorkshire, worsted. spinners. Nov. 29, Dm 29: solicitors. Messrs. Riddale and Craddock, Gray's Inn Squre; and Messrs. St anstield and Craved, HAHNE. SNELLING, GEORGE. jun.. Worthing, grocer, Nov. 29, Dec. 29: solicitors, Messrs. King awl Anteaters, Queen Street ; official assignee. Mr. Johnson, Basingliall Street.

Wawa., BENJAMIN nod HOBERT, Blackwell, ship-builders. Nov. 29, Dec. 29: soli. titer, Mr. Newbon, Great Carter Lane ; official assignee, Mr. G ibson, Basinghall


Dec. 11, Adams, Chelmsford, cabittet-maker -Dec. 9, Heath, Gosport, inenairoper - Dee. 7, Scott, Mansell Street, dealer in Scotch ale-Dec. 9, Shea and Pima, Great Pul- teney Street, tailors-Dec 8, Huitson, Nesvgate Street, woollen-draper-Dec. 8, Benet. tar, Mogadore, Morocco merchant-Dee. 8, Coles, Great Tower Street, India-broker- Dee. 8, Field,Oarford, Berkshire, meatus:in-Dec. 8, Fletcher, Abingdon, curpet-reauu- facturer-Dec. 9, Heawood, Heaton Norris, cotton-manufacturer-Dec. 12, Fletcher, Liverpoul, banker-Dee. 11, Citudwell, 'Manchester, baker-Dec. II, Pickard. Wortley, Yorkshire, clothier-Dec. 18, Place, Leeds, linnet- Dec. l I, Brook and Co. Leeds, iron. founders-Dec. 14, Noades, Leeds, tailor -Dec.16, Rusher, Leeds, commissiou.ageut- Bee. 12, Downs, Glemsford, Suffolk, blacksmith-Dec. 14, Andley, Newcastle-under- Lyme, cabinet-maker-Dec. 20, T. awl 8. Major, Poole, upholsterers-Dec. 29, Sharp, Thornton, Yorkshire, woleted.piece-manufacturer.


To be granted unless cause be shown to the contrary, on or GeAre Dec. 8. Thomas, Holborn, linerr-draper-Statibridge, Lamb's Buildings, Dunhill Bow, menu. facturer of artificial skins-Berry, Greek Street, perfumer- l'euniatoun and Laird, Liverpool, merchants-White, Manchester, iniikeeper-lloward, Burniey, talky-Stud- dirt, 'fokenhouse Yard, money-scrivener-Fordhant, Leadenhall Market, poulterer.