ne Court.
TIIE Queen bas passed the week at Buckingham Palace, not in any way suffering from the fatigue and excitement of the City banquet. On Wednesday evening, her Majesty went to Drury Lane Theatre, attended by the Earl of Albemarle, the Dutchess of Sutherland, Lady Barham, the Marchioness of Tavistoek, the Marquis Conyugham, and other ladies and gentlemen of the Household. The Queen was enthu- siastically received by a crowded house. Last night her Majesty ho- noured Covent Garden Theatre with her presence. The perform -aces were Werner and Fra Diavolo.
There have been dinner-parties at the Palace every evening. Among the principal guests, were the Duke of Wellington, the Duke of Nor- folk, Lord and Lady John Russell, Count and Countess Sehastiani, Lord Melbourne, Lord Howick, Lord Hill, Sir John HobLiuse, and Mr. Spring Rice. The dresses of the ladies at the Drawing-rooms of the ensuing s. zson are to have embroidered trains—an old fashion revived.