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A very select party of Tories met at Apsley House on Tuesday afternoon. Sir Robert Peel was there, having arrived the day before from the Continent. No doubt the question of the Speakership was then and there discussed.
Sir Robert looked very unwell in the House on Wednesday, and spoke feebly. It is a pity that they cannot do without him for a short time: he really is not fit for Parliamentary duty.
Lady Lyndhurst and Miss Copley will remain in France till the commencement of the next London spring.
The Earl of Egremont died on Saturday 1::st. The title and en- tailed estate go to his nephew, Captain George Francis Wyndham. Large estates and legacies go to his other relatives: but no provision is made for Lord Munster, who married Lord Egremont's illegitimate daughter. The Earl used to say that the King would take care of George Fitzclarence; and the King chose to believe that Lord Egre- mont would provide for his; so between the two, no care at all has been taken of poor Lord Munster; though a contingent sue. eession to some of the Irish property is settled upon his children.
A Sir Somebody C— according to the Post. gained admission to time banquet at the Guildhall on the 9th, in the dress of an officer of the Life Guards, in which regiment he had formerly a commission. Sir John Cathcart has written a letter to the Post declaring that he was not the impostor.