18 NOVEMBER 1837, Page 5


A letter from Frankfort, in the Chronicle this morning, mentions that the Hanoverians will oppose passive resistance to the arbitrary policy of King ERNEST, and that the University of Gottingen will set the example by refusing to elect a deputy to the States to be convened under the Constitution of 1819. Goaingen, it must be remembered, is the most independent and enlightened town in King ERNEST'S do- minions. In other parts of Hanover, according to the Allgemeine Zeitung, the "remission of taxes will not fail to have its effect;" and the same journal adds, that the attachment of the people to the Con- stitution of 1833 is " very much doubted."

The Hanover Gazette has an article on the necessity of erecting fortresses on the coasts of the Baltic to defend Germany from at.acke by sea.